Impact Your Craft Beverage Marketing Through E-Commerce

In this session, we will delve into the marketing best practices that will help you drive profitable incremental revenue through e-commerce. In the highly complex and crowded field of digital marketing platforms, it is difficult to discern what will actually work. Whether you are looking to sell products directly on your site, grow your brand awareness, or simply educate customers, there are effective strategies that you can implement. Sean Switzer, an e-commerce and digital marketing thought leader, will address the lessons learned from mature e-commerce vertical markets and how they can be immediately applied to your craft beverage online marketing strategy. Sean will present case studies from the mature fashion e-commerce market that compares the takeaways from 2 companies with 2 very different results. Incorporating the unique legal and operational challenges of craft beverage, Sean will use the case studies to help you build the online marketing roadmap needed for success in the craft beverage vertical. If you’re ready for insightful information that gives you several actionable ideas for your brand’s marketing, you’ll want to attend this important session.